Climate change affects Northeast US

Climate change affects Northeast US

A study by the independent research organization Climate Central found that the coastal waters off northeastern New England have experienced the greatest warming in the United States, up 3 degrees Fahrenheit since 1901.

The study also cited that many fish off U.S coastal waters are projected to migrate north into deeper, cooler waters as a result.

There are definite limits to the degree that fish species can survive in certain temperatures. At a certain temperatures fish cannot tolerate the sustained exposure and will die. For example, Brook trout cannot tolerate temperatures of 77.5 degrees and above, whereas the figure is 79.5 degrees for Brown trout.

The capitalist economic system incentivizes capitalists to pursue the maximum rate of profit and to exploit labor and degrade the nature in the process. Production has largely left the United States to countries where the cost of labor power is cheaper, and commodities are exported abroad which is profitable but extremely environmentally destructive. The process of global warming has increased global temperatures and threatens the biosphere and the species that inhabit the Earth.

The destruction of the environment and the exploitation of the capitalist system are interrelated.  The institution of a planned organization of production would be instrumental in offsetting the disastrous environmental consequences that have been exacerbated by the capitalist organization of production.
