42% of Americans Want to Quit Their Jobs

42% of Americans Want to Quit Their Jobs

According to a recent study by Randstad, 42% of US workers feel so burnt out from their jobs that they want to quit. Despite wanting to quit their jobs, over half of those who were surveyed (54%) are pressured to stay at their jobs because they need the money to support their families.

Workers also feel that their company views profits as being more important to companies than treating their employees well.

Other grievances that the workers mentioned included understaffing, toxic workplace politics, and a lack of growth opportunities. All these factors, and many others, contribute to workers viewing their workplaces and jobs in a negative way.

The long-term trend in the United States has been a decline in job tenure. Workers are now staying with a single employer for less years than they had in the past. Overwhelming job dissatisfaction and the advent of the “gig economy” have contributed to high employee turnover and low job tenure.

This survey makes it clear that American workers are dissatisfied with their jobs, but many workers are tethered to jobs they dislike because they need to sell their labor power to survive.

Workers can see that the capitalist system puts the profit motive as being of the utmost importance, with the needs of the working class being subordinated to the drive for profits. It is the exploitative and alienating nature of the capitalist economic system that is causing such a high rate of dissatisfaction that Americans have for their jobs.

Sources: 12